Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Learning the Classroom Rules!

Time for some pictures!

During our first few weeks of preschool, we had a great time learning the rules of the preschool classroom.  For each rule, we did a project to help us remember how we should behave while at preschool.  It was very clear that the two favorite projects across all the classes was our "Watching Eyes" and "Listening Ears" projects.  We made glasses and ears to wear!
Here is each class in our glasses or Listening Ears!  (The M/W class did not have time to take a group photo, but there are individual shots instead!  Unfortunately, not everyone wanted their picture taken, so if your child isn't in these, they will definitely be in our group shots of the next post!)

M/W Class:

T/Th Class:

W/F Kenyon Class:

While the 3/4 Classes were learning about Classroom Rules, the 4/5 PM class was learning about Community Helpers.  One of the first Community Helpers we talked about was Police Officers.  We got to make Police Badges.

M/T/Th PM Class:

We've been having an awesome time at Preschool!  Be sure to watch the wall outside our classroom for conferences sign ups coming soon!

-Mr. Nate

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Hi parents!

This is just a quick notice for families with preschoolers in the 4/5 PM class in Wanamingo!

If you have not sent in your family photos yet, please remember to do so on Monday!  I had a few of your emails, and sent you a message that way as well.

I also wanted to be sure I was clear with the note I had sent home.  The pictures will be used for a project we will be working on in class.  This means they will be getting cut up.  If you were not aware of this, and would like the pictures you sent in back, please remember to bring in an alternate photo(s), and I can give you your photos you'd like to keep.

Sorry if this caused any confusion!

A picture post is coming this week!

-Mr. Nate

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hi everyone!

I can't believe September is already over!  We had a VERY busy first month of school.  Things are going great in the classroom!  Everyone has been working hard to learn the new rules of our room, make new friends, and to have fun!

Most of this past month we have been discussing the classroom rules, which you might have noticed with the projects that have been sent home.  Some of our rules include Listening Ears, Watching Eyes, Helping Hands, and Quiet Voices.  I'm happy to say that as the month went on, I had to remind the preschoolers less and less what the rules were and how we should behave in our classroom.

The preschoolers in all my classes have also been doing an AWESOME job learning the routine of each day.  Nearly all the kiddos know what to do and when, and need very little reminding.

I am very excited for the month of October.  We have some great themes and projects coming up, and I'm sure no one will want to miss out on them! 

Also, please keep an eye out in your child's folder for a Book Order form.  I am trying to put that together and get it sent out as soon as possible!

I will try and get some pictures from our classroom posted soon!

Have a great week!

-Mr. Nate